Monthly chats

Monthly chat: Data pollution and power dynamics

We’ll host Gry Hasselbalch, co-founder and Research Director of the European thinkdotank DataEthics, to talk about the impact of AI ...

Monthly chat: Journalism under surveillance

We’ll host Philip Di Salvo, post-doctoral researcher at the Università della Svizzera italiana, to talk about surveillance and cyberattacks against ...

Monthly chat: data protection and unlawful cookie banners

How to prevent companies from misusing cookie banners to collect users’ data? Are there solutions other than cookie banners to ...

Monthly chat: Data protection and information society

How to ensure the cybersecurity of journalists? How will AI developments impact human rights? We’ll talk about these and other issues with Patrick ...

Convention 108+ and digital rights

Sophie Kwasny, Head of the Data Protection Unit at the Council of Europe, will talk about the Convention for the ...

PANELFIT Monthly Chat: Data practices in border management

Wed 17 March 11 am CET Digital technologies reconfigure the rationales, techniques and practices of border security and migration management ...

PANELFIT Monthly Chat: What is the impact of digitalisation of the welfare state and automated decision-making systems on human rights?

26 February 2021, 11:00 am CET Join us for a chat with Francesca Feruglio @cespi11 and Erica Murphy @ESCRNet Link: ...

PANELFIT Monthly Chat: “Data protection and the limits of consent”

Wednesday 4 November, 10,30 AM CET With Alessandro Ortalda (VUB) Link (no registration needed): ...

PANELFIT Monthly chats: Privacy, cybersecurity and society

?ukasz Król, researcher who works with the College of Europe in Natolin (Poland) talks with us about cybersecurity issues, threat ...

PANELFIT Monthly chats: AI, the public sector and GDPR

A talk with Adam Panagiotopoulos, data protection expert at Trilateral Research, about the use of AI solutions in the public ...