
  • When: April-October 2021, dates TBD
  • Where: Online
  • What: PANELFIT’S main achievement has been to produce comprehensive guidelines for ICT researchers on the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The main goal is to provide useful content on all questions that may arise when working with personal data. PANELFIT will organise 10 Mutual Learning Encounters dedicated to different sections of the Guidelines, in order to get feedback on both its content and form. A diverse range of experts and stakeholders will be invited to provide input to the document.
See programme (PDF)

Commercialisation of Data

  • 21st May at 9h-12h
  • In this Mutual Learning Encounter, we will be tackling the topic of commercialisation of data. This includes purchasing and granting access to databases for research and commercial purposes, and open issues regarding data ownership. In particular, we wish to discuss on how best educate end users on such issues under consideration of the GDPR.
  • See programme (PDF)


Data Protection and Privacy in location and proximity data ICT tools

  • When: 28th June 16h-18h30
  • Where: Online
  • What: In this Mutual Learning Encounter, we will be addressing one of PANELFIT’s research outputs, The Guidelines and, more concretely, the section devoted to the development of an ICT tool that is based on the use of location and proximity data. Our aim is to gather valuable feedback on what needs to be considered when working with location and proximity data and how this knowledge could best be provided to individuals working in the field. In the encounter, experts with different backgrounds and roles related to data protection and geolocation development will work together in evaluating how PANELFIT‘s case-studies and Guidelines may be improved.

CALL FOR ACTION: join us in our upcoming Mutual Learning Encounter on Data Protection and Privacy in location and proximity data ICT tools. For registration and further information please contact Elsa Alves.


  • When: 29th June 10-12h45 CET
  • What: In this Mutual Learning Encounter, we will be tackling the main actions to be addressed concerning privacy and data protection when developing Biometric devices. ICT researchers and developers are required to consider existing norms on data protection when developing or deploying ICT systems. These compliance requirements are more complex in the case of biometric systems. Our “Guidelines on ethical and legal issues regarding biometrics in ICT research and innovation” considers the current data protection legal framework to provide suggestions on how to identify the legal requirements around biometric system development and deployment, and how to address them in the day-to-day operations of ICT researchers and developers, from the initial prototyping phase up to the testing and deployment phases

CALL FOR ACTION: join us in our upcoming Mutual Learning Encounter on Data Protection and Privacy in Biometrics Research and Innovation. For registration and further information please contact Elsa Alves.