On this page you can find a selection of materials aimed at introducing you to PANELFIT: its goals, structure and outcomes.
Expect it to be expanded in the coming months, while the project keeps going.
- Panelfit Fact sheets (PDF)
- Panelfit Brochure (PDF)
- Panelfit logos (PDF)
- Panelfit Press kit (PDF)
- Setting future ethical standards for ICT, Big Data, AI and robotics (PDF)
- Creating a citizens’ information pack on ethical and legal issues around ICTs: what should be included? (PDF)
- Vulnerable data subjects (PDF)
Issues and gaps analyses fact sheets
- Informed consent Fact sheet (PDF)
- Data commercialization Fact sheet (PDF)
- Security and Cybersecurity Fact sheet (PDF)
- Web Panelfit (PDF)
- Monthly chats:
- Event June 2021 (PDF)
- Data commercialization (PDF)
- Security and cybersecurity (PDF)
- Panelfit outcomes (PDF)
- Using data in pandemics – journalists (PDF)
Handbook for Journalists Fact sheets

PANELFIT, SHERPA and SIENNA | Working together

SIENNA, SHERPA, PANELFIT: Setting future ethical standards for ICT, Big Data, SIS, AI & Robotics

Debate on data management and GDPR - Insights from data users