The Expert Advisory Board (EAB) serve as an essential link between the project and key stakeholders and, as well as to provide PANELFIT with feedback on its key results. The EAB will provide advice to the consortium, guarantee the presence of the collectives they represent in the events organized and help in the dissemination of its results.
EAB Members
- Aurelie Pols. Data Protection Officer, mParticle, US/ Founder, Aurelie Pols and Associates, Spain
- Anna Lydia Svalastog. Ostforld University College, Norway/ Chair of the Navigating Landscapes Network
- Joanna Kolodziej. Cracow University of Technology, Poland/ Chair of the ICT COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)”
- Rosario Isasi. University of Miami, USA.
- Erik Bongcam Rudloff. Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Sweden /Chair of the ICT COST Action BM1006 “Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis Network”.