
PANELFIT (GA 788039, 1 Nov 2018 – 30 April 2022) is a H2020 EU funded project aiming at facilitating the adaptation processes between new technical advances and legal frameworks, by producing a set of editable, openly accessible guidelines, as well as offering operational standards capable of reducing ethical and legal problems posed by information and communication technologies. You can enjoy a brief introduction to the project and/or an 8 mins documentary about the project: the idea, the approach, the methodology, the aim and the legacy at:

The PANELFIT Consortium, coordinated by the University of the Basque Country (Spain), comprises ten other European Union partner institutions from different fields: technology assessments, universities, academic research, citizen science, research ethics, data protection, media and IT consulting.

Our main goals are the following:

  1. To facilitate the implementation of European data protection new regulation by producing a set of outcomes that serve as operational standards and practical guidelines able to reduce the ethical and legal issues (ELI henceforth) posed by ICT technologies while promoting innovation and market growth, enabling high-quality job creation and ensuring a high level of privacy and security/cybersecurity.
  2. To suggest possible concrete improvements to the current regulatory and governance framework for the same purpose
  3. To create mutual learning and support tools and to promote networking among stakeholders and policy makers
  4. To increase the quantity and quality of the information available to policy makers, professionals, journalists and general public.

Family Picture of PANELFIT Partners and Experts Advisory Board at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, May 2019